Separated from the one i love then years later we found each other

Separated from the one i love then years later we found each other

On cool evening under the cloudy skies
She sits alone
Pondering back in time
She close her eyes
Her body travels back in time it was just yesterday they met under the stars that night she feels him kissing her on her warm moist lips his warm soft hands ligtly masages over her entire body
He pulls her closer
Then one hand holding her in his arms
The other hand touching her cheeks
Her knees feels week
She starts shaking
She feels him shaking to
Its if everything around her disapear she can hardly breethe she feels his warm skin his hearbeat racing faster and faster then she totally loses control they whisper poetry in each others ears when kissing its if she inhales his soul is this real she thought then they cuddled till the night fades away and day creeps out of its hiding place
Itwas a night full of extesy they cuddled like to young bids in love the duck feather duvy keeping them warm their bodies entagled into each other till they woke up to scared to part each other for they would never see each other again
For a eagle came and decided they were pray he hunted them night and day sadly they were seperated
Years later faith will bring them back together again
For you see they were cosmic twins
They were drawn to each other like two magnets negative and positive
They were ment to complete their life lesson first
Years later they met again
Died in each others arms seconds apart
When in love its magical till one gets seperated then having faith its all you have your life goes on . like in this story . In the good old days there were no cell phones or internet the only way to keep in touch was by letter .

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